Track your activities and improve your work process.

Track your activities and improve your work process.

Task Manager

Problem / Challenge.

More and more companies are working with agile methodologies due to their need to adapt to the challenges of the world and transform themselves digitally. But this transformation is not always easy. As they transition, teams face challenges with communication, tracking activities, and more. Which is why these digital transformations must be based on a strong automation process.

Our role & how we embraced it.

Our expert team faced this problem using a Human – Centered Design approach. We started by doing a workshop with stakeholders to uncover the business needs. Then we began the discovery phase to understand the target, goal and people needs. Next, we spent time reviewing the current system in order to totally redesign it and build new functionalities.

Once we had a clear understanding of the existing system and needs, we began creating user journeys, wireframes, a design system and high-fidelity mockups.

All these designs were simultaneously validated to confirm that they met the business and people needs.

The outcome.

  • We designed a digital platform that adapts to different business needs.

  •  Users can create different processes for each department in the company, allowing them to have better communication and total visualization of the activities and processes involved.

  • Companies can set up their processes so that the system automatically moves, assigns, groups and/or prioritizes activities, allowing them to focus their efforts on other areas such as innovation.

  • Thorough tracking and data analytics empower users to make better decisions that improve work processes both inside and outside the company.