Heuristic evaluation for the donation process in the site salvationarmyusa.org

As part of the learning and teaching process of the Next Gen Program imparted by Ksquare Institute & the BoldBox team and in order to observe the possible usability challenges present in the foodforthepoor.org site, a team of three evaluators carried out a heuristic evaluation on the mentioned site.

A heuristic evaluation is understood as a usability inspection method that allows finding potential problems in a digital product (eg a website), where the evaluators take the role of the user, with knowledge of usability criteria and try to predict possible errors that a user might have when performing typical and expected tasks with the product. For this, the Heuristic Principles of Jakob Nielsen, the 8 Golden Rules of Ben Shneiderman, the Usability principles of Bruce Tognazzini were considered.

In general, the results of the heuristic evaluation shows that there are processes within the The Salvation Army USA platform that can become tedious and confusing for users, that is, that they affect the donation process as the information is not clear shown.

This evaluation was carried out during the Next Gen Program imparted by Ksquare Institute & the BoldBox team that was given during the months of February-April 2021. At the time of this evaluation BoldBox, Ksquare Institute or The Ksquare Group does not have a business relationship with The Salvation Army USA and is not in the process of negotiating a contract. This report cannot be construed as an endorsement of The Salvation Army USA or its services, nor does it represent criticism or judgment against the organization or its services.