Know immediatly your glucose level & control it.

Know immediatly your glucose level & control it.

Biosensor App​.

Problem / Challenge.

Monitoring glucose levels is one of the most important activities for people of all ages who have a type of diabetes. Among the different products in the market that aids patients to perform this activity, we find the Continues Glucose Monitor Systems (CGM).​

Our role & how we embraced it.

Our expert team tackled this challenge with the Design Thinking process using a wide variety of methods and activities including research, participatory design, workshops and wireframing, focusing on designing the best and most accesible experience for users and stakeholders.

What are the wins.

  • We designed a mobile application that, once paired with a sensor placed on the user’s skin, glucose levels are send in real time.
  • Users can visualize their glucose levels at any time of the day and see the possible trends based on previous data. ​
  • They are able to set up low and high glucose alerts to receive notifications if their glucose levels are rapidly moving up or down to take timely actions. ​