Checkout-free shopping for everyone

Checkout-free shopping for everyone


Problem / Challenge.

Zippin is the next generation of checkout-free technology, enabling retailers to deploy frictionless shopping in their stores quickly.


They approached us, because they wanted to improve the first-time experience of customers in the store by educating them on how the process works while they wait in line. Ultimately, this will remove friction and make the process easier and faster for all involved.

This challenge was meant to be a retail solution through Service Design.

Our role & how we embraced it.

  1. Zippin came with a great pitch about how to solve the problem. We split the project into three phases: Research, Implementation and Validation/Testing.
  2. After we finished the research phase, we identified many frictions, which we prioritized to help us bring the client’s solution to the next level.
  3. Later we got into the implementation phase, where we created the content that will help the first-time customers use the checkout-free stores. At the same time, we got a first-hand view of what the customers are thinking and experiencing with a UserTesting Human Insight Platform. That way, we ensured that the solution would impact the proper communication touch points.
  4. Finally we wrapped all the communication files and deliver them to our client, so they can start the printing process and take it to a real life scenario.

The outcome.

  • Mapped different touch points (where customers interact with the brand, product, service) of the Zippin store.
  • We identified critical moments and needs in the customer journey. Then we prioritized them by releases.
  • Delivered a benchmark of competition & case studies.
  • We mapped the customer’s experience and organized the printing materials in order to directly improve the customer’s experience.
  • We delivered: customer journey blueprints, research insights, communication signage (printable files), store communication map, specs for printable material, video loop for first-time customers. 
  • We used team superpower: co-creation and collaboration.