Salesforce powered collaboration and planning platform

Marketing made easy


Problem / Challenge.

As marketing organizations are rapidly turning to automation processes to manage their day-to-day activities there is a need for ability to efficiently navigate a marketing idea from creative brief to market and an easy-to-use global calendar to manage all the activities involved.

Our role & how we embraced it.

The solution was to use Salesforce platform which offers structure, automation and intelligence required to achieve the objectives. Using Design Thinking and Agile methods our design and UX team worked closely with the development team and product owner to solve this challenge. Wast variety of methods were used from benchmarking and idea gathering, to wireframing and user testing to produce a one-stop flexible and highly adaptable portal to help marketing teams manage their activities. We utilized Salesforce Lightning Design System to create a flexible solution building custom solutions when needed.

The outcome.

  • Utilizing and customizing Salesforce Lightning Design System elements to build a bespoke marketing platform

  • Users can create and monitor all their marketing campaigns and projects in an easy-to-use global calendar.

  • The platform offers customizable workflow solutions to facilitate a wide range of different ways of working and collaborating.

  • Breezey offers a solution where an idea can be introduced, approved and executed all in one place.