Synkron: an employee portal for Ksquarians

Synkron: an employee portal for Ksquarians

The Ksquare Group

Problem / Challenge.

The Ksquare Group is a software development company that currently has more than 300 employees. Due to a large number of collaborators and their growing management needs, the software they had became insufficient to cover those needs. For this reason, Synkron, an employee portal with Human Resources and Operational Services, was created.

Our role & how we embraced it.

As a project that started from scratch, the first step in its creation was the definition of the main features that the app should cover, which in this case were the visualizations of the employee’s information, the submission of their weekly worked hours, and the request of days off.


Once these basic requirements were set, we took a Human-Centered Design Approach, which lead us to do a lot of research. This research included interviews with the human resources team, management software audits, and current software reviews.


Once we gathered, organized, and analyzed the information, the user flows were created, followed by the creation of wireframes and mockups.

In the final stage of the project, the design team conducted usability tests which lead to the refinement of some features due to the feedback received.

What are the wins.

  • One of our greatest achievements was creating different roles in the platform to cover different needs.

  • Created a centralized platform where collaborators could find all management services.

  • Laid the groundwork for future company platforms, including an early version of the company’s Design System.